Wednesday, 11 November 2009

TASK 03://

How will I promote myself – what do they want to hear?

As I leave the college as a graphic designer to pursue either a freelance career or go to work in design studios, I will need to promote myself and let the world know who I am and what I do. In terms of personal selling, I will continue to get in contact with businesses of interest to build a relationship with potential clients. Along with this, our end of year show would form the basis of our introduction as designers to the public as it will be the first official showcase of what I do, practicing designers and businessmen will be around in search for potential new designers. Direct marketing would be essential in inviting designers and potential business people to attend the show, although this can be time consuming and expensive in terms of gathering the appropriate contacts and getting the invites produced and delivered, this form of promotion is highly effective as it delivers a more personal message and build a stronger relationship.

Looking at the end of year show as a form of directing selling; this is an advantage as our work will be available for discussion and opportunities can be negotiates with people who are interested in it. We are also able to speak to existing designers and business people, even if we don't get offered jobs, we can make an impression, build a relationship for potential future opportunities. There is no doubt that this method of promotion is one of the most important ones in terms of placing ourselves in the design map.

As well as getting in contact with general businesses of interest, building strong public relations would help promote myself towards a wide audience at a low cost. These include charity work or supporting local small business in the area. Setting up communal events, such as arts fairs, small competitions etc. This form or promotion would be credible and helps build relationships and trust with local people. The only downside of this would mean that alot of time will have to be spent on this and targeting the wrong client group can result to negative publicity.

When it comes to advertising, I really get irritated by being bombarded by banners on websites and leaflets, I find that not only does this clutter space and waste paper, but it can do the reverse and give the wrong impression to people. Therefore advertising requires consideration of the target audience, location and format. Creating the branding / identity material for myself as a designer would be a good start, things like a business card would become useful especially when dealing with potential clients etc. I personally wouldn't use magazine/ newspaper advertising as I think that the target audience would be rather vague, advertising in creative magazines like Creative Review would be ideal but this is extremely expensive. Therefore, I will use the internet as a form of advertising, the running costs are fairly low, and with the right networking, my work is potentially available globally. Another advantage of advertising through a website means that possible clients can view my work, and I can use this a form of a portfolio.

Although I may not be directly selling products in a sense, I will be providing a design service which I can offer sales promotions. I would avoid things like buy one get one free offers as I find that this can devalue your practice and give a wrong impression, however offering slightly more for the same price can give the impression that the client's are getting more for the same price.

On top of all the promotional material, the place of marketing is also an essential part of the success of your business.

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